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Summer holidays 2023

Laatst bijgewerkt: maandag 10 juli 2023 Gepubliceerd: zaterdag 08 juli 2023 Geschreven door Lieve Desodt


A soft yoke

Jesus does not put heavy burdens on our shoulders.
He does not ask the impossible of anyone.
Rather, he appeals to the child in us.
we can watch with an open heart
to people and the world.
We may discover God
with admiration and reverence
as the basis of our existence.
We can interact freely and liberatingly with others.
Jesus invites us wholeheartedly and cordially
to stand in life.
Then nothing is too heavy,
because love is anyway
our greatest power source.
By the example of Jesus
may we derive energy in boldness
to give the best of ourselves.
He is no tyrant, no nitpicker,
but a living invitation
to be man of God.
His easy yoke keeps us balanced;
we can bear his light burden heartily.

Wim Holterman osfs

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